2 Thessalonians 2 - Application Questions

These application questions are designed to be preceded by observation questions to provide a self-directed or group study of the book of 2nd Thessalonians. Find all 2nd Thessalonians resources here. Enjoy!

Consider reading this chapter multiple times before answering the following questions.

2 Thessalonians 2 – Application Questions

  1. The main priority which Paul had in writing this second letter to the church in Thessalonica was to clear up misconceptions which they had developed regarding the coming of Jesus Christ and the day of the Lord. Some in the church had become shaken and alarmed, believing that the day of the Lord had already come. Why do you think it is important to have a proper understanding of the nature and timing of Christ’s coming?

  2. The fact that the Thessalonians could be led astray by “a spirit or a spoken word, or a letter seeming to be from [the apostles]”, illustrates how easily some believers can be deceived. What are some ways that you can protect yourself from falling prey to such deception?

  3. Considering verse 3, how does a Biblical worldview understand the direction of society? How does this concern you? How does it comfort you?

  4. In verse 7, Paul indicates that the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. In what ways can you see forms of the rebellion, lawlessness, and perverted spirituality which will surround the man of lawlessness already at work in our present day?

  5. According to verse 8, global rebellion, apostasy, persecution, deception and sexual immorality (see Rev 9:21;14:8;17:2-4;18:3,9), will be put to an end at the coming of Jesus Christ. How does this encourage you to handle the aspects of these things that are already at work?

  6. According to verse 9, Satan can empower false signs and wonders. How should this serve as a warning to the church?

  7. According to verses 10 and 12, what must one love and believe in order to remain undeceived by the convincing signs and wonders which will be done in the end times? Practically speaking, how does this love and belief protect from deception?

  8. What is significant about the word refused in verse 10? Considering how they are described in verse 12, why do you think these people refuse to love the truth?

  9. Paul indicates in verse 12 that those who follow the lies, immorality and worship of the man of lawlessness will ultimately be condemned. How should this encourage believers?

  10. What negative attitudes might one develop in this life if they do not believe that God will ultimately judge the wicked?

  11. Paul paints a troubling picture of what is going to occur on the day of the Lord. If these events are going to be so devastating, why would the believer look forward to them (13-14)?

  12. Considering the coming deception and our being chosen for salvation, we are told to stand firm and hold to the traditions taught by the apostles. What would this look like practically in the life of a believer?


2 Thessalonians 3 – Observation / Interpretation Questions


2 Thessalonians 2 - Observation / Interpretation Questions