I’m Pastor Rick Cowan. The goal of rickcowan.com is to provide free Bible study and church training resources. Please let me know if you’ve found these resources helpful.

The Latest
From Calvary Baptist Windsor
Studies on Church Membership
Lesson 1 - Church Membership: Its Authority and Responsibilities, Part 1
Lesson 2 - Church Membership: Its Authority and Responsibilities, Part 2
Lesson 4 - Church Membership: The Need for Church Membership
Lesson 6 - Church Membership: It Means Unity with the Church
Lesson 8 - Church Membership: It Means Exercising Encouragement
Lesson 9 - Church Membership: It Means Exercising Compassion
Lesson 10 - Church Membership: It Means Exercising Forgiveness, Part 1
Lesson 11 - Church Membership: It Means Exercising Forgiveness, Part 2
Lesson 12 - Church Membership: It Means Exercising Church Discipline

Studies on Church Leadership
Other Studies
Habakkuk Bible Study
A free inductive Bible study through the book of Habakkuk for small groups or personal study.
1 Corinthians Inductive Questions
Free observation, interpretation and applications through the entire book of 1 Corinthians. Ideal for small groups or personal study.
1 Thessalonians Inductive Questions
Free PDF of observation, interpretation and application questions through the book of 1 Thessalonians. Great for personal study or small groups.
2 Thessalonians Inductive Questions
Free observation, interpretation and applications through the entire book of 2 Thessalonians. Ideal for small groups or personal study.
Unofficial Study Guides
Coming soon.

The Church Matters Series

Membership Matters
There is a lot of confusion surrounding these basic questions, but there need not be. This book is born from the conviction that scripture clearly and authoritatively defines the church and its membership for us. The 15 chapters within are written to educate believers regarding God’s design for his church, to encourage Christians to take up their authority and responsibilities as church members, and to prompt them to pursue loving, unified relationships. It is my hope that this material might encourage you and your congregation to adopt the church culture that we see saturating the pages of the New Testament.
Leadership Matters
Pastor, there are men within your congregation who are not yet fit for eldership, but they could be. Don’t wait around hoping that a fully trained and qualified elder might one day appear at your church. Instead, get busy using what you already know from the word of God to train some men that are already in your midst. It’s with that desire that this book has been written. The contents are not innovative, inventive or terribly insightful, but they are thoroughly biblical. My prayer is that this book might give you the confidence to start the process of training men in your church to take up the important task of shepherding God’s people.
Growth Matters
Growth Matters is written to help a new believer as they take their first steps as a follower of Jesus Christ. Covered are topics like “God: Our New Family,” “The Bible: Our New Authority," "Prayer: Our New Liberty,” “Church: Our New Community,” and more. Growth Matters is designed to lead a new believer in Bible study. For this reason it is designed as a workbook requiring the reader to open the scriptures and answer questions as they go. In this way the new Christian starts their spiritual growth off right - by learning the Bible has the answers, and is designed to be read and studied. Growth Matters can be used by a new Christian as a self-directed study but is ideal for one-on-one discipleship.