2 Thessalonians 1 - Observation Questions

These observation questions are designed to be followed with application questions to provide a self-directed or group study of the book of 2nd Thessalonians. Find all 2nd Thessalonians resources here. Enjoy!

2 Thessalonians 1 – Observation / Interpretation Questions

Read 2 Thessalonians Chapter 1 thoroughly and answer the questions below. Consider reading the chapter multiple times before answering.

  1. Who is with Paul as he writes this second letter to the church in Thessalonica?

  2. For what two reasons does Paul feel it is only right to give thanks to God for this church?

  3. For what two reasons did Paul boast about this church to the other churches?

  4. What did Paul feel the suffering of the Thessalonians evidenced?

  5. In verses 5-10 Paul explains how the Thessalonians suffering is evidence of the righteous judgment of God. Beginning in verse 5, what ultimate good will result from the suffering which the Thessalonians are enduring?

  6. Since the Thessalonians are suffering for the kingdom of God, what does God consider it just to do? (v6)

  7. What else does God consider it just to do since the Thessalonians are suffering for the kingdom of God? (v7)

  8. When will these two things take place? (v7)

  9. Reading verses 7-8, summarize in your own words what the revelation of the Lord Jesus will be like.

  10. In what two ways are those described who will receive vengeance from Jesus Christ?

  11. What will those suffer who are causing the Thessalonians to suffer?

  12. When Christ returns, believers and unbelievers will have vastly different experiences. Compare verses 8-10 and indicate how these experiences will differ.

  13. According to Paul in verse 10, why will the Thessalonians be of that number who glorify Christ and marvel at him when he returns?

  14. For what three things did Paul pray for this church? (v11)

  15. Explain the connection between verses 5 and 11.

  16. Considering this connection, why might Paul not be emphasizing a prayer for their deliverance from suffering?

  17. What would be the result of the three things from question 14? (v12)


2 Thessalonians 1 - Paraphrase


1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, Observation Questions