1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Application Questions

These application questions are designed to be preceded by observation questions to provide a self-directed or group study of the book of 1st Thessalonians. Find all 1 Thessalonians resources here. Enjoy!

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 – Application Questions

  1. Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians reveals that the second coming of Christ was a topic of instruction during his short ministry among them. It also reveals that they continued to have questions about the second coming. What does this show us about the importance of this event and the emphasis it should be given in our church? How could our church put more of an emphasis on Christ’s second coming? Why might we fail in this area?

  2. How has the reality of Christ’s second coming affected your life?

  3. In verse two of chapter five, Paul compares the coming of Christ to the coming of a thief. In doing so he focuses on the sudden, unexpected, and even destructive nature of Christ’s coming. How do these specific aspects of Christ’s second coming affect the way you think and live?

  4. According to verse three of our passage, in the times prior to Christ’s destructive second coming there will be a false sense of peace and security on earth among unbelievers. In what ways do you see false senses of security among unbelievers in our culture? Where do you see unbelievers misplacing fear and worry? How have you found yourself guilty of misplacing your sense of security or your anxieties in similar ways?

  5. After stating that unbelievers will suffer the sudden and inescapable destruction of the coming of Christ, Paul assures the Thessalonians that Christ’s coming will not surprise (catch, overtake) them like a thief. If you as a believer do not need to fear the coming of Christ, what is it about his coming that motivates you to live for him?

  6. Paul is speaking figuratively when he describes unbelievers as those who are drunk and believers as those who should be sober. What type of characteristics do you think these words represent? In what ways has your life before and after salvation fulfilled this image of moving from drunk to sober?

  7. In verse eight, Paul appeals to our identity as those who belong to the day to encourage us to live sober lives, in faith, hope, and love. In what ways have you chosen to live differently from unbelievers because you are a Christian?

  8. In what ways is your life characterized by faith?

  9. In what ways is your life characterized by hope?

  10. In what ways is your life characterized by love?

  11. Although Paul has presented the second coming of Christ as one which will bring destruction and wrath, he does not use these things to motivate believers to live for Christ. Instead, as motivation he cites the fact that we are not destined for wrath but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. In what ways have you had a wrong motivation for obedience in your Christian life? Why do you think it is important to get it right? (8-10)


1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, Observation Questions


1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Observation Questions