1 Thessalonians Chapter 4:1-12, Observation Questions

These observation questions are designed to be followed with application questions to provide a self-directed or group study of the book of 1st Thessalonians. Find all 1 Thessalonians resources here. Enjoy!

1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 – Observation Questions

Read 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4 thoroughly and answer the questions below. Consider reading the chapter multiple times before answering.

  1. In chapter 4 Paul begins to give very practical instruction. What connection can you make between Paul’s desire for the church in 3:11-13 and his instruction in 4:1?

  2. What does Paul’s use of “ask and urge” and “in the Lord Jesus” indicate about what he is about to say?

  3. In your own words, what is Paul’s overall desire for the Thessalonians in 4:1?

  4. According to verse 1 and 2, Paul had already instructed the church about the topic at hand. What might this tell us about this church’s need?

  5. There is an authoritative tone to Paul’s instructions in this section (4:1-12). Write down the words or phrases which communicate authority, seriousness or warning.

  6. According to verse 3, what is the will of God for believers? Practically speaking, what will the person who is pursuing holiness (sanctification) abstain from?

  7. Looking at verse 4, what does Paul indicate one must know how to do if he is to abstain from sexual immorality?

  8. Paul paints a stark contrast in verses 4 and 5. In your own words, explain this contrast (focusing on control vs. passion). Why would this particular church need to see this contrast?

  9. Considering 4:3-8 in light of 1:9, why might this particular church have needed this instruction?

  10. Paul gives a solemn warning regarding sexual immorality in verse 6. What is his warning?

  11. What do you think it means that the Lord is an avenger in all these things? (6)

  12. Explain verse 8 in your own words. Why do you think Paul would say this here?

  13. Paul changes subjects in verse 9. According to 9-10, why did the Thessalonians have no need for anyone to write to them concerning brotherly love?

  14. What do you think it means that these believers had been taught by God to love one another?

  15. In verses 11-12, Paul gives a series of practical instructions. Explain the following phrases in your own words.

    • Aspire to live quietly
    • Mind your own affairs
    • Work with your hands
    • So that you may walk properly before outsiders
    • And be dependent on no one.


1 Thessalonians 1 - Paraphrase


1 Thessalonians Chapter 3, Application Questions