Loving One Another with the Affections of Christ


Philippians 1:8   For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus.

[dropcap]C[/dropcap]hristian fellowship is bound together by the love and affection of Jesus Christ working through us, toward one another. The more each of us becomes like Christ (through sanctification), the stronger our love and care for one another becomes. The relationship between Paul and the Philippians is a perfect case study on what Christian fellowship looks like practically.The Philippians were a community of growing believers. There was abundant evidence that the Holy Spirit was working among them. They loved their fellow believers, laboured for the gospel, sacrificed to fill needs and were, in every way counted as “partners in the gospel”. All of this was the work of Jesus Christ, through them. The Apostle Paul, who himself was growing abundantly, could not help but be drawn to this church. Their desires were the same, they thought the same way, and their affections were moved by the same things. The Holy Spirit in him was drawn to the Holy Spirit in them. Such is the case within all genuine Christian fellowship.The work of Christ in you, draws out the love of Christ in me which causes me to behave like Christ toward you, which then draws out the love of Christ in you, etc. This cycle of growth and love is what Christian fellowship is all about.The above is an excerpt from Pastor Rick's study through the book of Philippians


Love, with an Abounding Love


What is Spiritual Fellowship?