Spiritual Fellowship


Philippians 1:3-5   I thank my God in all my remembrance of you,  4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy,  5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Apostle Paul had given his life to the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ (1:21; Gal 2:20). What he saw in the Philippian church was a community of believers who shared the same love and desire. They loved the Lord Jesus Christ and were zealous for the spread of the gospel.This fellowship (partnership) however was far more than connection around a common desire or goal. It was a Christian fellowship. That is, their love for one another was rooted in their common love for Christ. The deeper their love for God and desire to please him, the deeper became their bond with one another. This is what Christian fellowship is all about. It is a special, spiritual union which is forged by the Holy Spirit of God (Rom 12; 1 Cor 12:12ff; John 17:11,22). This fellowship grows deeper and sweeter when each party grows closer and more obedient to Christ.It is important for us to pause and be reminded that as special as this relationship between Paul and the Philippians was – it is not something which is unavailable to us. This sweet love and fellowship is alive and well today. We find it in every relationship held by growing believers.The above is an excerpt from Pastor Rick's study through the book of Philippians


What is Spiritual Fellowship?


Growth Tracks, Through the Bible - Philippians